You may know the Philippines as a tropical Asian country that is home to over 107 million people, and about 7,641 islands. It is famous for many travelers because of its breath-taking beaches, natural wonders, local cuisine, and the people’s heartwarming generosity. However, they’re not only known for their tourist spots, but also for its people. Filipinos are hardworking, that is why a lot of industries seek them.
Here are seven reasons why hiring a Filipino would be one of your best recruitment decisions.
Culture and traditions
Filipino culture is one of the most service-oriented in the world. The values they hold are sacred. Filipinos are naturally happy people. They give out a sense of warmth and friendliness which will make anyone feel welcome. They also take hospitality to a whole new level. In general, Filipinos believe that every person is good and they are always ready to help one another.
Filipinos value their family a lot. They have close family ties, wherein extended family members can live with them, and no one will bat an eye. Filipinos also carry the weight and responsibilities of taking care of every family member.
Respecting others is a distinct quality they develop when growing up, and Filipinos apply this manner to their everyday lives. At a young age, they are taught to be respectful by using these distinct catchphrases—”po” and “opo”, and ‘pagmamano’ (taking an elder’s hand to one’s forehead), which is an honoring gesture when they interact with their elders.
Another quality of Filipinos is owing a debt of gratitude. This specific trait plus being hardworking have strong influences on social behaviors among Filipinos. Their desire to give back to their families and to the people who helped them in life makes them determined in accomplishing whatever they set their minds to and committed to their chosen field. And thus, making them grateful and loyal to others and somewhat like an altruistic behavior towards others.
Communication Skills
According to an official publication of the U.S. Library of Congress, the Philippine census estimated that a total of 65 percent of Filipinos understood English during the 1990s. Hence, making the Philippines a friendly country for people who speak English. –
The Philippines has been colonized by other countries, including Spain, the United States, and Japan. Because of these events, Filipinos develop and incorporate foreign vocabulary in their everyday speech. Yes, they have hundreds of languages in the Philippines, but the official languages they speak are Filipino and English.
Almost anyone in the Philippines can understand and speak English. There is a large population of good English language proficient speakers and writers. English has become a national tool for everyone to communicate with locals and foreign nationals. According to an article from Investopedia, the Philippines’ national language statistics, 63.7% of Filipinos over the age of 5 reported an ability to speak English.
Communication can be hard to quantify, as a soft skill, but in the workplace, it is indispensable. A good communicator undoubtedly shares their thoughts and ideas and can listen to and understand what others say. This skill keeps teams working smoothly and harmoniously and allows everyone in the organization to understand what is going on. Bad communication skills can lead to tension and uncertainty in the workplace, which can adversely affect productivity.
Good Ethics and Interpersonal skills
Finding a good employee goes beyond searching for someone with hard skills or professional knowledge that is up to date. Yes, there are some universal skills you should look for in all employees, and these skills provide the foundation for the specific roles that are eventually built over time and as they grow with the company. But, it would help if you also looked for someone who has the soft skills that can have a significant influence on your work culture.
Filipinos can make a huge impact on your business as they have good interpersonal skills. Filipinos also have high emotional intelligence which is a trait that is becoming a highly sought-after skill across industries. They are honest and express empathy towards others which makes them trustworthy workers and colleagues. They can perceive, use, and control their own emotions. What makes EQ so important is that it can be used as the basis for cultivating even more critical skills by someone who possesses it. Filipinos exhibit these characteristics and can energize your team and inspire other workers to recommit themselves to their jobs.
The Philippines is historically a Third World country and currently a developing country. The GDP per capita is low, and the infant mortality rate is high. Many of its citizens lack access to health care and higher education as well – World Population Review
Living in a third world country did not stop Filipinos from having the urge to get a proper education. They believe that education provides an appreciation of the world and can help turn their lives into something greater. It makes Filipinos become fast learners and practice their resourcefulness.
For the past 10 years, the Philippines has been producing more and more college graduates. College graduates produced by public and private colleges and universities from 2007 (446,911) have increased by 60 percent to 703,327 in 2017. – Manila Times, August 2019.
Filipinos are people with a dynamic attitude in life. They always show a strong sense of initiative and pay close attention to their clients’ needs. They tend to care and be attached that they even think about how to solve business problems. They are used to tasks that make them alert and allow them to think on their feet. This brings out their ability to be resourceful and to make something out of whatever is presented to them.
Besides breaking the language barrier, Filipinos are preferred outsourced workers because they are flexible. Adaptability really stands out as they can easily adjust to the needs of their clients and their schedules even if they need to work night shifts.
Most Filipinos have an organic sense of time and are present-oriented – this makes them very creative as they can quickly adapt and be flexible on tasks handed over to them. They are also self-motivated to do well.
Equipment and Internet
There are a lot of tech-savvy people in the Philippines. Filipinos are very resourceful, and they can keep up with technology. They have access to the latest technology in the market, like computers and mobile phones where most brands have branched out in the Philippines.
Filipinos have adapted to the digital age as almost everyone has access to the internet. The Philippines is doing its part in achieving technological innovations by improving internet accessibility and affordability. Nearly every household has its internet connection, and most establishments offer a WiFi connection. Mobile data is also widely used all over the Philippines. The two major mobile operators in the Philippines, together with their sub-networks, are always releasing new promotional packages for mobile internet bundles.
Low Cost
Outsourcing reduces costs for businesses as it helps by distributing talent from high-cost to low-cost locations. It is aligning roles and skills to current business needs and optimizing talent and location strategy. It also eliminates the dependency on one particular geographic area and ensures business continuity in case of location emergencies.
Businesses can achieve significant savings on outsourcing through effective management. There are many options when it comes to outsourcing talent. This includes business functions such as sales and lead generation, customer service, marketing, advertising, content creation, social media marketing, accounting, IT, administrative work, etc. A lot of companies will outsource essential tasks not only to save money but to save brainpower as well.
Cost-cutting is one of the top reasons why companies prefer outsourcing, but apart from that, business owners can now focus on the most critical part of their business. They will have more time to concentrate on crucial operations that will help the company run properly. Outsourcing opens the door to a business’s cost problems and also drives efficiency and expertise in business operations.
What is BPO?
According to Investopedia, Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a method of subcontracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors. It refers to the process in which a party outside the company contracts traditional business processes to be managed. The most common type of BPO is call centers or contact centers.
In the Philippines, BPO companies are the top players when it comes to outsourcing services. And the Philippines is the best outsourcing destination for BPO companies. Filipinos are not new in being outsourced workers as they have experience working for offshore clients in different parts of the world. The first BPO company opened in the Philippines more than 25 years ago.
Cost-effective rate and English language proficiency are two of the main driving reasons behind the success story that is the Philippine BPO sector. Customer-related resources such as technical support, sales, and marketing are part of BPO jobs.
It is better to outsource customer-related support for servicing your customers. Having good customer service and giving a great customer experience is a game-changer for businesses; this can build your brand responsiveness and product resolutions.
According to, BPO companies in the Philippines currently contribute around 10% of the country’s GDP and will continue growing along with the Philippines’ reputation. The top BPO companies in the Philippines include Accenture, Convergys, Telephilippines (Teleperformance), JPMorgan Chase & Co., STAFFVIRTUAL, 24/7, IBM Daksh, Sutherland, Sitel Corporation, and HP.
Filipinos help create a good working environment. Their innate positivity and desire to be the best in their chosen field make them diligent. The combination of their strong work ethics and cheerful personalities make them perfect co-workers. If you want a fun and positive working condition, having Filipino members in your team is a start.
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